5 Ways to Avoid Surgery and Spending Thousands on Pain

***Read the entire blog if you want to truly avoid unnecessary procedures and spending.***

Unfortunately, chronic pain prevalence and costs continue to rise. There are many reasons why this is, however, we are going to discuss 5 ways to avoid falling into a terrible cycle of pain, injections, medications, and even possibly surgeries that could have been prevented.

#1 - Stop using Google to find out what is wrong with you and how to fix it!

There is a TON of bad and inaccurate information out there especially when it comes to pain. Please do yourself a favor and stop doing this.

#2 - Get all the information you can about the clinic and provider you are going to consult to make sure they specialize in exactly what you are dealing with. Look at reviews, ask people around you, and be sure you are going somewhere that is going to have your best interests in mind.

Do not just go to whoever takes your insurance. I know money is a big deal…BUT you are saving yourself money in the long run by going to the right place FIRST. Not every provider is the same. Everyone has their own specialties and experiences. So, take that into consideration when choosing. This step along can help you avoid surgery and unnecessary procedures.

#3 - Move!

The human body is not meant to be as stationary as we are in today’s world. Try to get up and move more. Start going to the gym, taking family walks outside, invest in a standing desk. or even just get into the floor and work on your mobility while watching tv. Do not sit for long periods.

#4 - Increase your water intake.

Yes…this and #5 coming up are common sense. However, so many people struggle to get in the proper amount of water due to busy schedules. Pro tip: buy a gallon jug and fill it up each morning. By the end of the day it should be empty.

#5 - Sleep 7-8 hours every night.

Sleep is not given enough thought by people. Sleep is extremely crucial in your overall health.

It’s not often in today’s world that a doctor spends much time with patients. Our doctors are here to offer Southern Illinois something different!

It is time to get the attention and expertise that you deserve!